Mac 10.12 established javaweb development enviroument



Before begin javaweb develop , we should get the tools what we need first. The tools we need can be devide into two group . First is server the second is ide we decide to use. In this tutorial , you can learn how to establish Tomcat server in your mac , and how to use these tools with Intellj idea .

##1. Get the JDK


Clicking the title ,and jumping to download site of jdk . Chose the one you want and download it . I introduce you to download the dmg file to install jdk as after completing the install , you will see the java preference is already show in your System Preference Setting . Just like the figure next .

It is convenient that you can do many things through java preference like auto-launch when your computer start.

After intall the dmg file , use “java -version” and “javac” command to test if you hava install it will .

If you want to know where is your jdk after install , use the command next.


After using this command , you can get the jdk path (which also the JAVA_HOME environment variables). You can also use this command to set the path in your ide what ever Eclipse or Intellj .

##2. Prepare the Server


Clicking the title above and jumping to Official Website of Tomcat then chose the tomcat server you want to download. Then you have finished our first step . Download these files like the figure above. These include doc for Tomcat and Tomcat server.

Then move the tomcat server to “/usr/local” and try start server.

(You can find the mothed about how to start the server from next figure.)

If you successfully start the tomcat, just begin next step.


Clicking the title above and jumping to Official Website of MySql then download the dmg file you need . I introduce dmg file , too. The reason just the same as the jdk.

In the first picture you can see the MySql preference , but for your convenient , I put it here too.

After download it you will hava to test it .

sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start

Please remember the “sudo” , it’s very important.

sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server stop

Use the command above to stop mysql .

Here I can show you the path to mysql.server file.

If you face a error which say something about pid , which usually appear , you have to know the key always lies in you don’s the privilege. So , be sure you use the “sudo” or you already change to root .

After you see “SUCCESS” , we go next step.

Runing the command next :


If you see

Access denied for user ‘Dantrsey’@’localhost’ (using password: NO)

use the “sudo” , and may be you need use the command downstairs :

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p

then entry the default password which you get affter install the dmg. If you forget it , run the next command :

sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables

then run mysql and do as next :

UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string=PASSWORD('root') WHERE User='root';

and reboot mysql , test it with :

show databases;

if you see:

ERROR 1820 (HY000): You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.

entry :


and you have made it .(~_~)

